Strategic Plan

Through its Vision and Mission, and the Strategic Plan 2022/23 – 2027/28, Nyaishozi College of Health and Allied Sciences aims to ensure that all training programmes are demand driven and attractive, and that the graduates have the required competencies to effectively carry out their duties as employees or self-employed. This implies that there must be a mechanism to ensure that quality is maintained and/or enhanced at all levels including students’ enrollment, staff recruitment and the existence of adequate and appropriate infrastructure for teaching, learning and service delivery.

Nyaishozi College of Health and Allied Sciences’s Corporate Strategic Plan of 2022/23 – 2027/28 defined the direction the College would follow during the period to serve and meet the changing needs of society by providing quality tertiary non-institute education in Tanzania and beyond. Key to achieving this strategy is the development of an effective and efficient Quality Assurance (QA) system underpinned by quality teaching, research development, curriculum development, student progression and welfare, focused on the needs of Nyaishozi College of Health and Allied Sciences and beyond.