Social Work

Social work is a practice-based profession and an academic discipline that promotes social change and development, social cohesion, and the empowerment and liberation of people. Principles of social justice, human rights, collective responsibility and respect for diversities are central to social work.

The primary mission of the social work profession is to enhance human well-being and help meet basic and complex needs of all people, with a particular focus on those who are vulnerable, oppressed, and living in poverty.

A social worker Identify individuals and groups in need of support. Assess the needs, circumstances, and support systems of clients. Work with clients to determine achievable, actionable goals and plans to meet them. Intervene in crisis situations involving abuse, mental health emergencies, or trauma.

Medical and clinical social workers are both responsible for improving their patients’ and clients’ experiences. Both positions involve connecting patients and their families to community and medical resources. They provide emotional support and counseling to patients and their families.



Objectives of the Program

General objective

The general objective of developing this Basic Technician Certificate course is to prepare frontline social workers, who under the supervision of qualified social workers, will engage in attending problems facing individuals, families and small groups; hence enhance their social functioning.

Specific Objectives

The specific objectives include the following:

  1. To enable students to acquire elementary social work knowledge and skills in order to understand clients’ problem situations.
  2. To prepare students who will be able to use social work practice methods to attend clients with diverse problems.
  3. To enable students relate theoretical knowledge and practical work situations.

Table: Summary of all the modules taught in the BTCSW programme:

S/NCodeModule NameSemester1Semester2
1SWT04101Elementary Social Work Practice 
2SWT04102Fundamentals of Field Instruction 
3SWT04103Introduction to Social Welfare Services 
4SWT04104Fundamentals of Social Work Ethics 
5SWT04105Basic Skills in Guidance and Counselling 
6SWT04106Introduction Communication Skills 
7SWT04107Block Fieldwork 
8HRT04208Essentials of Psychology 
9SWT04201Fundamentals of Sociology 
10SWT04202Introduction to Social Work with Children and Youths 
11SWT04203Introduction to ICT 
12SWT04204Elementary Social work Research 


Objectives of the Program

General objective

The general objective for developing this Technician Certificate course is to prepare technician social workers, who under the supervision of qualified social workers, can engage in attending problems facing individuals, families and small groups; hence enhance their social functioning.

Specific Objectives

The specific objectives include the following:

  1. To enable students to acquire basic social work knowledge and skills in order to understand clients’ problem situations.
  2. To prepare students who will be able to use social work practice methods to attend clients with diverse problems.
  3. To enable students relate theoretical knowledge and practical work situations.

Table: Modules taught in the ODSW Programme

S/NCodeModule NameSemester1Semester2
1SWT05101Direct Social Work Practice 
2SWT05102Introduction to Social work Ethics 
3SWT05103Social Welfare Services and Policy 
4SWT05104Introduction to Psychology 
5SWT05105Introduction to Sociology 
6SWT05106Communication Skills 
7SWT05201Introduction to Field Instruction 
8SWT05202Development Studies 
9SWT05203Information and Communication Technology 
10SWT05204Guidance and Counselling 
11SWT05205Introduction to Social work Research 
12SWT05206Block Fieldwork 


Objectives of the Course

The general objective for developing this NTA Level 6 program is to prepare technician social workers, who under the supervision of highly qualified social workers can engage in attending problems facing individuals, families and small groups; hence enhancing their capacities to address their socio-economic needs and problems.

Specific Objectives of the Course

  1. To enable students to acquire intermediate social work knowledge and skills in order to understand clients’ problem situations.
  2. To prepare students who will be able to use social work practice methods to attend clients with diverse problems.
  3. To enable students relate theoretical knowledge and practical work situations.

TABLE: Modules taught in the ODSW Programme

S/NCodeModule NameSemester1Semester2
1SWT06101Social Work with Diverse Populations 
2SWT06102Integrated Fieldwork Practice 
3SWT06103Fundamentals of Social Policy 
4SWT06104Social work Research Methods 
5SWT06105Theories and Skills of Guidance and Counselling 
6SWT06106Human Behaviour and Social Environment 
7SWT06201Entrepreneurship and Project Management 
8SWT06202Social Work in Legal systems 
9SWT06203Social work with Children and Youths 
10SWT06204Early Childhood Care and Development 
11SWT06205Sociology of Crime 
12SWT06206Project paper